This course examines the dynamics of conflict resolution and conflict transformation as an interdisciplinary subject. But, the primary focus remains on the contemporary debates of the conflict, conflict resolution, conflict transformation evolved from the International relations and security studies debates. The course elaborate various theoretical models of conflict resolution and its practices in the contemporary international and domestic conflicts. In addition, students are also expose to various scholarly concepts linked with conflict resolution, for example, peace studies, conflict management, conflict prevention, and conflict transformation. The present course is paying special attention to the role of narratives and conflict resolution. While examining the role of culture, religion, and ethno identity to understand the conflict processes and transformation. Theoretical debates are attributed with various empirical case studies during the course. The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the recent theoretical debates on conflict resolution and conflict transformation. At the practical side, students able to describe and apply a range of conflict resolution methods including mediation, negotiation, and advocacy. Students develop conflict resolution skills. Adopting a problem based learning approach, the course emphasizes the importance of student’s communication skills as an essential attribute in effective conflict resolution.