13 | Caspian Sea Region: Great Powers' Cooperation | Ansar Jamil | Dr. Syed Rifaat Hussain | 2020 |
12 | China's Rise: Implications for Regional Security In South Asia | Mushtaq Ahmed Abbasi | Dr. Syed Rifaat Hussain | 2019 |
11 | Nuclear Deterrence in The Post-Cold War Era | Hassan Masood | Dr. Noman Sattar | 2019 |
10 | Challenges to The Strategic Stability in South Asia - Post 1998 | Ayesha Rana | Dr. Syed Rifaat Hussain | 2018 |
9 | Conflict Between State and Society in Pakistan; An Analysis Of Psychosocial Dimensions | Ghulam Mujaddid | Dr. Syed Rifaat Hussain | 2017 |
8 | Threat of Chemical and Biological Weapons: Pakistan's Defence Needs, Problems And Policy Options | Saeed Akhtar Bhattti | Dr. Muhammd Tehsin | 2017 |
7 | The Imperatives of Regional Security A Case Study of Pakistan-China Relations in The Post 9/11 Period | Muhammad Munir | Dr. Nazir Hussain | 2016 |
6 | Indo-US Strategic Partnership: Impact on Regional Security Paradigm | Zafar Ali | Dr. Nazir Hussain | 2016 |
5 | Nuclear Learning in South Asia With Special Reference To India-Pakistan Crisis Behavior | Sannia Abdullah | Dr. Nazir Hussain | 2015 |
4 | Safety and Security of Chemical Industry: Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation in Pakistan | Naeem Haider | Dr. Zafar Nawaz Jaspal | 2015 |
3 | United States-India Strategic Partnership: Security Concerns for Pakistan | Syed Shahid Bukhari | Dr. Zafar Iqbal Cheema | 2013 |
2 | Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime Structuring and Integrating Reginal and Global Approaches: A Case of South Asia | Adil Sultan | Dr. Nazir Hussain | 2013 |
1 | Weapons of Mass Destruction & Their Impact on South Asian Stability | Tughral Yamin | Dr. Zafar Iqbal Cheema | 2011 |