M.Sc – Courses

M.Sc – Courses

Compulsory Courses | Area Studies | Conflict Studies | Military Science & Arts


EN – 001 English Language

Basic English language communication skills .Inculcate the habit of regular reading The art of presentation. Elementary rules of English grammar. Developing confidence while speaking. How to omit the most common errors. The proficiency in writing CV ,precis, and articles.

DS – 401 Evolution of Strategic Thought

Origin & evolution of Strategic thought, Clauswitzian; contemporary thinkers, Sun Tzu, Kutilya; modern thinkers: Marxist, Islamic Doctrines etc. Nuclear Weapons and strategic thought: conceptual and theoretical overview, revolutionary warfare; introduction to the strategic doctrines of great powers.

DS – 402 Theories of War

War as an analytical concept, sociopolitical and political phenomena, war as an instrument of policy. Approaches to the study of war, causation and types of war, level of analysis, contemporary theories of war. Types of war and their characteristics. Concepts and theories relating to the object of war.

DS – 403 International Politic Since 1945

Deals with the failure of the grand alliance and post-world war 2 international system. Evolution and characteristics of the post-war international political system, cold war, détente, balance of power, power politics, small powers; non-alignment; third world and internal politics. Role of UN in world politics and new world order.

DS – 404 National Power & Threat Perception

Conceptual framework of power, national power and its elements, assessment, evaluation and limitations of national power; patterns of power; balance of power. Threat and its dynamics; threat perception, identification, misperception; decision-making process. Case studies.

DS – 405 Research Methodology

Elements of scientific thinking, propositions, concepts, hypothesis, variables and indicators. Transformation of theoretical into research question and preparation of research design. Sources of knowledge; typologies of sources and their reliability.

DS – 406 Dimensions of Strategy

Strategy, conceptual/ definitional issues, evolution of strategic studies as an academic discipline, contemporary military strategy; grand, military and operational strategy. Advent of nuclear weapons and their impact on strategy, theories / dynamics of deterrence. Use of force in the contemporary strategic settings. Contemporary strategic perspective with special reference to South Asia.

DS – 407 Arms Control and Disarmament

Defence as an economic problem, budgeting for defence, defence decision making, military industrial complex, economic theory of alliances, economic aspects of arms procurement.

DS – 408 The Dynamics of Pakistan’s Foreign & Defence Policies

Brief historical overview, determinants and objectives of Pakistan.s defence and foreign policies. The regional and global dynamics, decision making aspects, execution.

DS – 409 Seminar on Contemporary Issues in Defence & Strategic Studies with Viva Voce Examination
DS – 410 Thesis