The Role of Tolerance in a Pluralistic Society

The Role of Tolerance in a Pluralistic Society

On December 29, 2022, the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies (DSS) organised a lecture as part of the Distinguished Lecture Series in coordination with the Islamabad Policy Research Institute. The guest speaker for this event was Mr. Syed Ali Abbas Zaidi, who delivered a lecture on the topic of “The Role of Tolerance in a Pluralistic Society.”

The speaker emphasised the significance of tolerance as a fundamental element that fosters cohesion across many cultures, faiths, and ideologies. In contemporary societies characterised by the coexistence of diverse ethnicities, languages, and religions, there exists a compelling impetus for individuals to wholeheartedly embrace and value this diversity, while actively resisting the inclination towards prejudice or discrimination. This impetus serves as a foundational principle, deeply ingrained within the very essence of harmonious coexistence.

The speaker provided an overview to the audience of the dynamics of a multicultural community, emphasising the convergence of individuals from diverse backgrounds who contribute their distinct customs and languages.

The speaker stressed that within the domain of education, tolerance assumes a significant and influential role in effecting change. Educational institutions, such as schools and colleges, Universities serve as fertile environments for the cultivation of aspiring leaders, intellectuals, and individuals capable of effecting meaningful societal transformations. The integration of tolerance into the educational framework provides the younger generation with the necessary skills to effectively traverse the intricate dynamics of a diverse global society. It inculcates into individuals the principles of acceptance and respect, fostering a cohort that embraces variations and commends a range of perspectives.

Dr. Shabana Fayyaz, the esteemed Chair of the department, expressed her perspectives. The session was afterwards followed by a question and answer session.


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