The faculty and the students of DSS MPhil and BS Evening program were invited to attend a wo rkshop on “East Pakistan Tragedy – 1971 War” at the Army Institute of Military History (AIMH) on June 7, 2022.
The speakers included Lt. Col. (R) Tahir Najeeb Raja who discussed the “Significance of Military
History” and introduced AIMH to the participants; Brig (R) Nasir Shafiq, who spoke on the Military Aspects of 1971 War (Eastern Front); and Group Captain (R) S M Hali de
liberated on the “Humanitarian aspect and real genocide of 1971 War.”
The workshop was a great learning experience for all the participants and reflected on how to inculcate research skills for the dispassionate analysis of the 1971 War. The lectures were followed by an interactive session, wherein students asked several questions related to the role of Mukti Bahinis, war tactics, and the role of psychological warfare. In the end, Dr Shabana Fayyaz – Chairperson of the Defence & Strategic Studies Department gave final remarks, and presented the Quaid-i-Azam University Shield to the Director General of AIMH